
Taking care of your sexual health and wellbeing after Pride

Published: September 4, 2023 by mbelfield

It’s been a week since the vibrant celebrations of Manchester Pride, and we hope you had an incredible time. Now that the whirlwind has settled, it’s essential to focus on your well-being, especially if you had any sex during Pride. Here’s what you need to know about sexual health testing and staying vigilant for STIs and mpox (formerly known as monkeypox).

When to Get Tested?

Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea can be detected through tests after approximately two weeks. Mark your calendars for the upcoming testing drop-in session at G-A-Y on Canal Street, happening on Monday, 11th September, and every second Monday of the month, from 1:30 pm to 4 pm. This is a fantastic opportunity not only for testing but also to access PrEP. If you can’t make it, we offer various other testing options at lgbt.foundation/testing.

The “window period,” the time it takes for an STI to be detectable, varies depending on the type of test. For detailed window periods for different STIs, visit lgbt.foundation/testing. As a general guideline:

– Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea: 14 Days

– Hepatitis B & C: 90 days

– HIV: 45 days

– Syphilis: 90 days

Rapid HIV Testing

At LGBT Foundation we have appointments for Rapid HIV testing on Sundays, this means we can give you a HIV result during your appointment with us, and we will also do a full STI screening which we will send off to the lab for results. Our rapid HIV testing has a window period of 90 days and appointments can be booked also at lgbt.foundation/testing

What about mpox?

In response to a small number of reported cases in Greater Manchester, we’ve created a dedicated page to provide the latest information on accessing the vaccine and frequently asked questions. Visit https://gmpash.org.uk/stis/mpox-formerly-known-monkeypox for updates.

If you experience any symptoms, even minor ones like a single lesion or an unexplained rash—especially on your face or genitals—don’t hesitate to contact a sexual health clinic immediately.

Take charge of your sexual health post-pride. Stay informed, stay proactive, and continue to celebrate the spirit of Manchester Pride.

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