
​LGBT Foundation responds to NHS England’s Interim Service Specification that’s set to replace the current Gender Identity Development Service for children and young people

Published: November 1, 2022 by odawson

LGBT Foundation has serious concerns about NHS England’s Interim Service Specification to replace the current Gender Identity Development Service for children and young people.

Our main concerns are that:

Evidence shows that 94% of young people maintain their gender identity following social transition and that social transition itself is a key protective factor in alleviating dysphoria and distress and suicide prevention (Olson et al., 2022).

We encourage the use of the WPATH-approved DSM-5-TR and ICD-11 diagnostic criteria for ‘gender incongruence’, as this is more up-to-date and aligned with international clinical best practice than the outdated ‘gender dysphoria’ diagnosis.

We are calling on allies to respond to the Public Consultation (open until 4th December) and tell NHS England what trans and non-binary young people and their families need from an inclusive and affirming service:…

LGBT Foundation will be working on making the consultation more accessible and providing our communities with more information in the coming weeks.

If you have concerns or are affected in any way by the launch of this Service Specification, contact our helpline on 0345 3 30 30 30 or email

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