Our ISVA service is here for you even if you don’t report to the police. We can provide emotional and practical support and make onwards referrals.

When you are ready you could:
- Report to the police via 101 or online – A specially trained police officer would make contact and take some details. Later, you would complete a video interview (Achieving Best Evidence interview or ‘ABE’). The police would then carry out an investigation and may make an arrest.
- Our ISVA can support you to provide anonymous intelligence to the police via 101 or Crimestoppers.
- If the incident took place within a different organisational or institutional setting – for example, at university, in the workplace or a religious institution – other reporting options are available.

There are multiple options available to you if you have experienced sexual violence. We are here to support you to explore these and through each step of whatever you want to do.
If you are not yet sure whether you want to report a sexual assault, you may find talking to an ISVA helpful. We will explore options with you and support whatever decision you make.