Legal situations can be tricky and confusing but we know the right people who can help

We’ve all found ourselves in situations where we just don’t know where to start, and particularly when it comes to legal issues this can be overwhelming. That’s why we work with the solicitor firms Sinclair Law and Slater Heelis to offer you free 30 minute advice sessions.
You may want to instruct these firms directly to work with you after that session, and they will always let them know what the charges are going to be in advance.
In need of some help?
If this is something you want to access then you just need to give us some more info and we’ll pass it along for them to get in touch.
But you might find the answers here!
We’re building a database of FAQs and support documents to help guide you through some of the situations our community members can find themselves in, and with the help of DLA Piper and Slee Blackwell we’ve put these together.